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G. M. Ferguson, Run Xiao, Anthony R. Richardella, Austin Kaczmarek, Nitin Samarth, Katja C. Nowack
Austin Kaczmarek, Andrea Capa Salinas, Stephen D. Wilson, Katja C. Nowack
Anna Herr, Quentin Herr, Steve Brebels, Min-Soo Kim, Ankit Pokhrel, Blake Hodges, Trent Josephsen, Sabine ONeal, Ruiheng Bai, Katja Nowack, Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano, Zsolt Tökei



Direct Imaging of Transition-Edge Sensors With Scanning SQUID Microscopy
Samantha Walker, Austin Kaczmarek, Jason Austermann, Douglas Bennett, Shannon M. Duff, Johannes Hubmayr, Ben Keller, Kelsey Morgan, Colin C. Murphy, Daniel Swetz, Joel Ullom, Michael D. Niemack, Katja C. Nowack

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2024).


Local magnetic response of superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin films
G. M. Ferguson, Hari P. Nair, Nathaniel J. Schreiber, Ludi Miao, Kyle M. Shen, Darrell G. Schlom, Katja C. Nowack

Phys. Rev. B 110, 144510 (2024).

2024 Roadmap on Magnetic Microscopy Techniques and Their Applications in Materials Science
D. V. Christensen, U. Staub, T. R. Devidas, B. Kalisky, K. C. Nowack, J.L. Webb, U.L. Andersen, A. Huck, D. A. Broadway, K. Wagner, P. Maletinsky, T. van der Sar, C. R. Du, A. Yacoby, D. Collomb, S. Bending, A. Oral, H. J. Hug, A.-O. Mandru, V. Neu, H. W. Schumacher, S. Sievers, H. Saito, A.A. Khajetoorians, N. Hauptmann, S. Baumann, A. Eichler, C. L. Degen, J. McCord, M. Vogel, M. Fiebig, P. Fischer, A. Hierro-Rodriguez, S. Finizio, S. S. Dhesi, C. Donnelly, Felix Büttner, O. Kfir, W. Hu, S. Zayko, S. Eisebitt, B. Pfau, R. Frömter, M. Kläui, F. S. Yasin, B. J. McMorran, S. Seki, X. Yu, A. Lubk, D. Wolf, N. Pryds, D. Makarov, M. Poggio

J. Phys. Materials 7, 032501 (2024).


Direct visualization of electronic transport in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator
G. M. Ferguson, Run Xiao, Anthony R. Richardella, David Low, Nitin Samarth, Katja C. Nowack

Nat. Mat. 22, 1100 (2023).

Current-induced switching of thin film alpha-Fe2O3 devices imaged using a scanning single-spin microscope
Qiaochu Guo, Anthony D'Addario, Yang Cheng, Jeremy Kline, Isaiah Gray, Hil Fung Harry Cheung, Fengyuan Yang, Katja C. Nowack*, and Gregory D. Fuchs* *Corresponding author.

Phys. Rev. Mat. 7, 064402 (2023).

Superfluid response of an atomically thin, gate-tuned van der Waals superconductor
Alexander Jarjour, G.M. Ferguson, Brian T. Schaefer, Menyoung Lee, Yen Lee Loh, Nandini Trivedi, Katja C. Nowack

Nat. Comm. 14, 2055 (2023).


Scanning SQUID microscopy in a cryogen-free dilution refrigerator
D. Low, G. M. Ferguson, Alexander Jarjour, Brian T. Schaefer, Maja D. Bachmann, Philip J. W. Moll, Katja C. Nowack

Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 083704 (2021).
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Patternable Mesoporous Thin Film Quantum Materials via Block Copolymer Self-Assembly: An Emergent Technology?
4. F. Yu, R. P. Thedford, K. R. Hedderick, G. Freychet, M. Zhernenkov, L. A. Estroff, K. C. Nowack, S. M. Gruner, U. B. Wiesner

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13,34732 (2021).

Superconducting Quantum Metamaterials from High Pressure Melt Infiltration of Metals into Block Copolymer Double Gyroid Derived Ceramic Templates
R. Paxton Thedford,Peter A. Beaucage,Ethan M. Susca,Corson A. Chao,Katja C. Nowack,Robert B. Van Dover,Sol M. Gruner,Ulrich Wiesner

Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2100469 (2021).


Magnetic field detection limits for ultraclean graphene Hall sensors
Brian T. Schaefer, Lei Wang, Alexander Jarjour, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Paul L. McEuen, Katja C. Nowack

Nature Communications 11, 4163 (2020).

PDF icon s41467-020-18007-5.pdf


Spin Seebeck imaging of spin-torque switching in antiferromagnetic Pt/NiO/Pt heterostructures
Isaiah Gray, Takahiro Moriyama, Nikhil Sivadas, Gregory M. Stiehl, John T. Heron, Ryan Need, Brian J. Kirby, David H. Low, Katja C. Nowack, Darrell G. Schlom, Daniel C. Ralph, Teruo Ono, Gregory D. Fuchs

Phys. Rev. X 9, 041016 (2019).

Spatial control of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeIrIn5
Maja D. Bachmann*, G. M. Ferguson*, Florian Theuss, Tobias Meng, Carsten Putzke, Toni Helm, K. R. Shirer, You-Sheng Li, K. A. Modic, Michael Nicklas, Markus Koenig, D. Low, Sayak Ghosh, Andrew P. Mackenzie, Frank Arnold, Elena Hassinger, Ross D. McDonald, Laurel E. Winter, Eric D. Bauer, Filip Ronning, B. J. Ramshaw, Katja C. Nowack**, Philip J. W. Moll** *These authors contributed equally. **These authors contributed equally/ Corresponding author.

Science 366, 221 (2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aao6640

Thickness dependence of superconductivity in ultrathin NbS2
Rusen Yan, Guru Khalsa, Brian T Schaefer, Alexander Jarjour, Sergei Rouvimov, Katja C Nowack, Huili G Xing, and Debdeep Jena

Applied Physics Express 12, 023008 (2019).


Variation in superconducting transition temperature due to tetragonal domains in two-dimensionally doped SrTiO3
H. Noad, E. M. Spanton, K. C. Nowack, H. Inoue, M. Kim, T. A. Merz, C. Bell, Y. Hikita, R. Xu, W. Liu, A. Vailionis, H. Y. Hwang, K. A. Moler

Physical Review B 94, 174516 (2016).

PDF icon PhysRevB.94.174516.pdf
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Brian T. Schaefer
Thursday, February 25, 2021

PhD dissertation, Cornell University, 2021

Katja Nowack
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thesis. ISBN: 978-90-8593-063-1.